Introducing the People + Practice Inner Circle Series

October 19, 2021

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You’re invited to a live, virtual roundtable exclusively for People + Practice orthodontists to discuss the orthodontic industry topics on all of our minds. Each meeting Leon and Amy will moderate a discussion with a practice that implemented a change that resulted in growth.

The next Inner Circle Roundtable will be Wednesday, January 12, 2022, 8:30pm EST - Dr. Arjun Patel, owner of Quest Orthodontics in Atlanta recently launched his own branded aligner: Qlear Smile Aligners, which he digitally prints at the practice. We’ll discuss the practice benefits, including the ability to provide profitable limited treatment and retainers on demand, as well as the patient’s benefits, including shorter treatment time, starting sooner and in some cases reduced total cost of treatment.

In our first session on November 3, 2021 at 8:30pm EST we invited you to meet with Dr. Andrew Grillo and Dr. Dale Davis, partners at Great Lakes Bay Orthodontics in Midland, Michigan. They talked about their practice’s journey implementing a tiered pricing model with limited treatment, increasing profitability with a higher volume of lower-fee cases.

We'll email our clients a link to register.

Questions? Email Leon or Amy at [email protected] or [email protected]

Hope to see you there!

Next up: Date TBD - Dr. Frank Sharp, owner of Sharp Orthodontics in Springfield, Missouri will chair our session about remote monitoring. Dr. Sharp implemented Dental Monitoring and in a very short time has almost all of his patients monitored remotely in some capacity. He’ll discuss the benefits and drawbacks of the system, and how it has impacted his practice on the whole. Date TBD - Dr. Ali Ghatri, orthodontist and owner of Let’s Smile Dental and co-owner of multiple practices in the Northern Virginia area, will meet with the Inner Circle to discuss his success implementing a combined pediatric dental and orthodontic practice model to maximize lifetime patient value. [/av_textblock] [/av_one_full]
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